Edit autofill for excel on mac
Edit autofill for excel on mac

edit autofill for excel on mac

Repeats the contents of the first cell throughout the selected cells to the left of it. Repeats the contents of the first cell throughout the selected cells above it. Repeats the contents of the first cell throughout the selected cells to the right of it. Repeats the contents of the first cell throughout the selected cells below it. From the Edit Menu, select Fill » select the appropriate option:.Starting with the cell containing the contents to be copied, select the group of cells to be filled.Type the information (cell contents or formula) in the first cell of the group.To extend the series, refer to the mouse option below. This option copies (repeats) the information from one cell to another. Other examples include filling months of the year and hours of the day. For example, if the first cell contains Sunday, Excel will fill the following cells with Monday, Tuesday, etc. NOTE: If Excel recognizes a pattern in the information you entered, the additional cells will contain the next item in the pattern. You can configure how Excel automatically fills in the information for you, and you can create custom patterns of information. If the first cell of your group contains text, the text will be repeated in the additional cells. If the first cell contains a formula, the formula will be repeated in the additional cells. Using the Fill command is the most convenient way to repeat information in neighboring cells of an Excel worksheet.

edit autofill for excel on mac

This article is based on legacy software.


(Archives) Microsoft Excel 2007: Using the Fill Command Mac

Edit autofill for excel on mac